COVID 19 Precautions

Stop the Bleed


Minutes Count! Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as 5 minutes. That’s why bleeding control-keeping the blood inside the body is so important.

The EdCor Stop the Bleed course utilizes the American College of Surgeons (ACS) curriculum, which uses a presentation and hands-on practice approach.

This course is available to anyone and all ages in the Denver and Colorado Springs, CO area.

Search for Upcoming Stop the Bleed Courses

Our Stop the Bleed Courses by Location in Colorado

EDCOR offers Stop the Bleed courses in our classrooms in Aurora, Lakewood and Colorado Springs, Colorado. Additionally, we can schedule custom courses at your location to meet the needs of your team.

Stop the Bleed Course Lakewood, CO

Starting in 2024, we will offer ASLS one to two times per month in our Lakewood, Colorado classroom.

Stop the Bleed Course Aurora, CO

By the end of 2024 Edcor plans to offer the ASLS course one time per month in our Aurora, Colorado location.

Stop the Bleed Course Colorado Springs

Edcor plans to offer the ASLS course beginning in January, 2025 one time per month in our Colorado Springs on-site classroom.

Use the link to the right if you are interested in scheduling a custom course or courses at your location and, as always, check our class registration portal to sign up for a course at one of our locations.